Monday, April 15, 2013

Wedding Go Time!

We're getting married this week!

Over the weekend, Mike and I got his shoes shined, got my hair cut, put final touches on our vows and distributed the revised edition of our "day of" schedule.  By Saturday afternoon, we had accomplished all we could from our home in Canada.  All that remains is the final prep on Friday for our Saturday wedding.

Friends and family have been asking if we are stressed, nervous or excited. They want to know where we are going into the final week before our marriage.

The event we have spent the last eight months discussing and planning is about to happen and there is that part of me that is sayin, "bout damn time!" I can't wait until I can plan something other than a wedding.  I want a weekend that isn't chalked full of printing signs, pictures or programs. It will be nice to look ahead beyond our wedding date.  I'm not saying it has been hard or difficult. For the most part, it has been a fun experience that the two of us shared.  But it's like watching the same show everyday for eight months -- eventually you just need to change the channel.

That's where the excitement comes in for me.  As of 9:20 a.m. this Saturday, Mike and I will be starting our marriage together.  We will be focusing on our goal of one day opening a bed and breakfast together.  We will encourage our personal passions, such as writing and cooking, as we go forward as a family unit. Our planning will be more rounded and have a much larger picture than one fast-approaching day.

There's a bit of nerves there as we will be hosting two events with over 80 people. As introverts, we have been extremely cautious about approaching this as a laid-back, low-key backyard pancake feed with a small ceremony thrown in for fun.  By eliminating the center stage that weddings tend to create, or at least reducing it in our minds, the whole weekend seems manageable.  I'm sure there will be stress, tantrums and things that don't go as planned. 

As we prepare to leave Canada to kick start our wedding trip, I can't help but think we are in the right place.  The wedding zen as they call it.  It's the final push. We've done what we can. We're focused not necessary on the event but what it means as the start of another chapter of us. 

I'm ready. Let's do it. 

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